Chat Transcription
13:00:23 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Queridos, posso por aqui o link para a programação do Seminário Internacional de História da Arte do MAC USP na semana que vem?
13:00:35 From Natália Gomes to Everyone:
Reacted to “Queridos, posso por …” with ❤️
13:00:44 From Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat to Everyone:
Reacted to “Queridos, posso por …” with ❤️
13:01:03 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Vamos ver se eu pelo menos terei voz para abri-lo…
13:01:10 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Reacted to “Queridos, posso por …” with ❤️
13:01:11 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Vou colocar aqui para o grupo.
13:02:39 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Aproveito para colocar aqui o link para a programação do Seminário Internacional de História da Arte no Brasil no MAC USP, na próxima semana:
13:03:49 From Natália Gomes to Everyone:
Reacted to “Aproveito para coloc…” with ❤️
13:05:20 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Vou mandar msg para ela
13:05:33 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Reacted to “Vou mandar msg para …” with 👍
13:07:36 From Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula to Everyone:
Me desculpem a pouca participação hoje, minha conexão está péssima
13:08:28 From Maria Berbara to Everyone:
Reacted to “Aproveito para coloc…” with ❤️
13:08:53 From Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat to Everyone:
Reacted to “Me desculpem a pouca…” with 👍🏻
13:09:51 From Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Me desculpem a pouca…” with 👍🏻
13:09:52 From Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula to Everyone:
Removed a 👍🏻 reaction from “Me desculpem a pouca…”
13:09:57 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Reacted to “Me desculpem a pouca…” with 👍🏻
13:10:35 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Replying to “Me desculpem a pouca…”
Imagina, Leandro, sem problema!
13:28:23 From André to Everyone:
Congrats Maíra.
13:28:32 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Thank you Maíra, great presentation!
13:28:37 From Natália Gomes to Everyone:
Congratulations, Maíra! 👏
13:28:42 From Maria Eduarda Kersting to Everyone:
Congrats, Maíra!
13:28:50 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Amazing presentation, Maíra. Thank you.
13:29:04 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
congrats Maíra, thank you for the presentation.
13:29:10 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Hi Joaquín! Quanto tempo!
13:29:44 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Congrats, Maíra1
13:32:37 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Thank you, everyone!
13:35:05 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
I tend to agree with you, Joaquín. The notion of a “decolonial art” reminds me of, again, the category of style that doesn’t work anymore
13:35:21 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Reacted to “I tend to agree with…” with 👍
13:38:26 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Nefertiti’s bust is under debate over years to be restituted for Egypt and Germany always answers negatively, although they gave back some pieces of the Benin collections.
13:40:37 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
very important what joaquin says… thinking about “decolonial art” means going beyond representation or self-representation, considering the means in which art is exhibited and received, funding models and, recalling rafael cardoso’s discussion, distribution of geographic power from a structural perspective… there is an economic discussion at play that we often hide. and even before being decolonial, can the museum be counter-hegemonic?
13:40:58 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “very important wha…” com ❤️
13:41:10 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
One aspect of Federici’s book and the illustrations that she chooses (though she does not look at them per se) is the PEDAGOGY they convey, and their power in disseminating values and ideas that in the end searched to domesticate and control the lower classes.
13:41:53 From Marina B. to Everyone:
Reacted to “One aspect of Federi…” with 👍
13:41:55 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
The case of the Dürer’s monumento is very interesting in this sense, because it’s not self-explained…
13:42:07 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Reacted to “very important what …” with 👍
13:43:05 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Respondendo a “very important wha…”
it seems to me that the museums are using the decolonial approach in very using only in a punctual, non-systematic way. as thematics for temporary exhibitions or debates cycles, but not as a manner to work the institution itself or even treat its employees
13:43:05 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
oi querida! cuanto tiempo de verdad ! un gusto volver a saludarlos
13:43:16 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Her exercise is very similar, in fact, of Simone de Beauvoir’s writing about old age – also a monumental book, in which she uses literature as archive
13:43:34 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
Sim, muito tempo, Joaquín! Como você vai?
13:43:37 From Maria Eduarda Kersting to Everyone:
Reacted to “very important what …” with 👍
13:43:44 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Reacted to “Her exercise is very…” with 👍
13:43:50 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Reacted to “it seems to me that …” with ❤️
13:44:09 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Reacted to “it seems to me that …” with 👍
13:44:56 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “One aspect of Fede…” com 🥰
13:44:59 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “One aspect of Fede…” com ❤️
13:45:02 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Removeu um 🥰 de “One aspect of Fede…”
13:45:25 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Maria, on this, Federici was recently invited in the context of a series of conferences SESC organized on gender studies and contemporary art
13:45:26 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
todo bo! vivo en Mexico ahora. investigando el estado de los centros de documentación en museos de arte en mexico
13:46:11 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
Ah, que ótimo! Perspectivas de você vir ao Brasil? Se sim, venha ao MAC USP!
13:46:39 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Replying to “very important what …”
exactly. a bit like the neoliberal perspective, which tends to include identity guidelines to appear inclusive, while maintaining unequal structures. there is an important difference between theme/subject and operating structure.
13:47:16 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “exactly. a bit lik…” com ❤️
13:47:26 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Replying to “very important what …”
@Pollyana Quintella Yes, the "benetton effect"
13:47:39 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Reacted to “@Pollyana Quintella …” with ❤️
13:47:40 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “@Pollyana Quintell…” com ❤️
13:47:41 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
voy a Brasil en noviembre por un mes a Porto como profesor invitado , podemos imaginar algo en Saõ Paulo por esa fecha para aprovechar la estancia
13:48:15 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
Ah, muito bem! Seria ótimo! Fique aí com meu email: [email protected]. Assim vamos combinando
13:48:59 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
13:50:48 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Replying to “very important what …”
@Nina Paschoal I agree, museums usually are not worried about epistemological issues if they don't do research in epistemological level...
13:52:15 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Reacted to “@Nina Paschoal I agr…” with ❤️
13:52:18 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “@Nina Paschoal I a…” com ❤️
13:58:53 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Very interesting,prof. Jens!
14:01:40 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
Seria fantástico, se podermos encontrar em São Paulo. Muito obrigado pela sua participação hoje!
14:02:08 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Peter Burke “Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence”. In Spanish the title is “Visto y no visto”
14:02:19 From Marina B. to Everyone:
There’s a translation of Burke’s in Portuguese: Testemunha ocular: O uso de imagens como evidência histórica
14:02:29 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “There’s a transla…” com ❤️
14:02:31 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Reacted to “There’s a translatio…” with 👍🏻
14:02:35 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Reacted to “There’s a translatio…” with ❤️
14:03:45 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “There’s a translatio…” with ❤️
14:03:53 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Peter Burke “Eyewitn…” with ❤️
14:04:42 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Reacted to “There’s a translatio…” with ❤️
14:04:48 From Marina B. to Everyone:
Reacted to “There’s a translatio…” with ❤️
14:04:50 From Marina B. to Everyone:
Removed a ❤️ reaction from “There’s a translatio…”
14:05:02 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
gostaria muito Jens, vamos pensar algo para Novembro
14:05:20 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Replying to “Hi Joaquín! Quanto t…”
14:07:45 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Congrats Maíra.” with ❤️
14:07:49 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you Maíra, gre…” with ❤️
14:07:53 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Congratulations, Maí…” with ❤️
14:07:56 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Congrats, Maíra!” with ❤️
14:07:59 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Amazing presentation…” with ❤️
14:08:03 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “congrats Maíra, than…” with ❤️
14:08:06 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Congrats, Maíra1” with ❤️
14:08:18 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “I tend to agree with…” with 👍
14:08:42 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Nefertiti’s bust is …” with 👍
14:09:37 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “One aspect of Federi…” with ❤️
14:10:35 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “One aspect of Federi…”
I agree with that pedagogy use. Paulino also does that in her public talks. That is fundamental and, in my view, should booster us to take their insights further. =)
14:10:58 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “The case of the Düre…” with ❤️
14:11:01 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Reacted to “I agree with that pe…” with 👍🏻
14:11:13 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “The case of the Düre…”
Even though she mentions his works many times
14:11:31 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Her exercise is very…” with ❤️
14:12:07 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “Her exercise is very…”
Federici also mentions many literature works as pedagogical tools, including the book's title.
14:12:18 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Maria, on this, Fede…” with ❤️
14:12:33 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “Maria, on this, Fede…”
Thank you for that information! I didn't know.
14:12:35 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “Her exercise is very…”
Yes, it's true. That's why de Beauvoir also came to my mind
14:12:45 From Maria Berbara to Everyone:
Reacted to “Maria, on this, Fede…” with ❤️
14:12:52 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “very important what …” with 👍
14:12:59 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
dear all, unfortunately my battery is over. I don’t have my charger with me. Thanks a lot for including me in the conversation. Count me in for the next session. it will be my honor to attend. Apologies Nina for abandoning the session at this point
14:13:10 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “Maria, on this, Fede…”
I think it was just after the release from the lockdown in 2021
14:13:30 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Tks for coming, Joaquín! Lovely to e-see you!
14:13:43 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Replying to “dear all, unfortunat…”
Thank you so much for your participation, Joaquin.
14:13:48 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Thank you for your presence, Professor Barriendos!
14:13:54 From JOAQUIN BARRIENDOS to Everyone:
Vinicius, Ana and Jens, un grande prazer voltar a falar com vocês
14:14:01 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Reacted to “Vinicius, Ana and Je…” with ❤️
14:14:06 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Removed a ❤️ reaction from “Vinicius, Ana and Je…”
14:14:09 From Vinicius Spricigo to Everyone:
Gracia Joaquin, até logo
14:14:13 From Vinicius Spricigo to Everyone:
14:19:54 From André to Everyone:
Thank you Nina for your presentation, congrats.
14:19:56 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Maíra, it looks like a good read to cross with paulino’s work too
14:20:34 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Tks Nina for the presentation
14:21:45 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Congrats, Nina! Great presentation 🙂
14:24:29 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Maíra, it looks like…” with ❤️
14:24:51 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “Maíra, it looks like…”
Totally!!! =)
14:25:42 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
I think I have it. I can sent you.
14:27:42 From Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat to Everyone:
“The West and the Rest: discourse and power” is one of the chapters of this book:
14:27:46 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
that is such a shame
14:28:18 From Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “”The West and the Re…” with ❤️
14:28:26 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Replying to “”The West and the Re…”
“The west and the rest” is such a good title haha
14:28:50 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Is there any way you can send a letter stating the importance of analyzing them first-hand?
14:28:59 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to ““The west and the re…” with 😃
14:29:49 From Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat to Everyone:
Reacted to ““The west and the re…” with 😂
14:32:14 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Jens, this would actually be a great issue: art history and marxism. There is still a lot of resistance to work with this
14:32:25 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Reacted to “Jens, this would act…” with 👍
14:33:24 From Maria Berbara to Everyone:
Reacted to “Jens, this would act…” with 👍
14:33:32 From Maria Berbara to Everyone:
Replying to “Jens, this would act…”
Love the idea!
14:33:42 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “Jens, this would a…” com ❤️
14:33:59 From Jefferson Mendes to Everyone:
Reacted to “Jens, this would act…” with 👍
14:34:10 From Jaqueline Veloso to Everyone:
would be amazing!
14:34:31 From Marina B. to Everyone:
Reacted to “Jens, this would act…” with 👍
14:34:54 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
It would also be interesting to compare him with bell hooks, for instance. They mobilize diferente archives, and hooks introduces the problem of the black woman gaze while analyzing images
14:35:15 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
back in my undergraduate studies during the middle 2000s, Hall was one of the major references in social communication. but not so much discussed in other disciplines
14:36:32 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
An even more complicated case is that of artist Miguel Rio Branco…
14:36:44 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “An even more complic…” with 👍
14:37:10 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
I mean, the way he puts himself almost in the position of a voyeur inside Pelourinho’s prostituted world
14:37:34 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Reacted to “It would also be int…” with 👍
14:38:03 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Replying to “Jens, this would act…”
I really would love it!
14:38:22 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “I mean, the way he p…”
I felt sick in his exhibition at masp, I think, a few ago... and how he is portrayed as someone that gave visibility to those people... aff
14:38:24 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Reacted to “An even more complic…” with 👍
14:39:05 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “Jens, this would act…”
Let's propose sth about it in the future!
14:39:21 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “It would also be i…” com ❤️
14:39:55 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Respondendo a “Is there any way y…”
i will try to do it when we return :)
14:39:59 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Replying to “I mean, the way he p…”
Exactly, super complicated...
14:41:12 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “i will try to do it …” with ❤️
14:41:23 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Jens, this would act…” with ❤️
14:45:02 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Exactly, super compl…” with 👍
14:51:53 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Maíra, I think we’ll come back to this discussion, I believe, when we have, for instance, Eric Hobsbawm’s texts next week.
14:52:21 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Maíra, I think we’ll…” with ❤️
14:52:36 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “Maíra, I think we…” com ❤️
14:52:44 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “Maíra, I think we’ll…”
I look forward to it! That will be Marina's seminar, right? =)
14:52:53 From Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat to Everyone:
Reacted to “I look forward to it…” with 👍🏻
14:52:59 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
In Brazil, there are some essas by Mário Pedrosa, for ex, in which many topics/issues of the decolonial/postcolonial debate emerge, already in the 1960s/70s. And the “rediscovery” of authors like Frantz Fanon, for instance
14:53:19 From Marina B. to Everyone:
Reacted to “In Brazil, there are…” with ❤️
14:53:43 From Jens Baumgarten to Everyone:
Replying to “In Brazil, there are…”
And also Hanna Levy, or Carl Einstein
14:53:51 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Reacted to “And also Hanna Levy,…” with 👍🏻
14:54:01 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
that is a great term, Pollyana! hahaha
14:54:08 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “And also Hanna Levy,…” with 👍🏻
14:54:11 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “In Brazil, there are…” with ❤️
14:55:05 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
the “decolonial purity”, I mean
14:55:14 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
great term for a title! =)
14:55:55 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Let’s write this text, Maíra, haha
14:56:09 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “Let’s write this …” com ❤️
14:56:13 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “great term for a t…” com ❤️
14:56:22 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “the “decolonial pu…” com ❤️
14:56:32 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “In Brazil, there a…” com ❤️
14:56:58 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Pollyan, thinking about what you were saying, there are even works that shouldn’t be seen, for it goes against to how they were used in within the cultures they were created. How to deal with that?
14:57:03 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “Let’s write this tex…” with 👍
14:57:09 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “Let’s write this tex…”
I am up for it!
15:00:35 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Replying to “Pollyan, thinking ab…”
there is an author that I really like for this discussion: ariella azoulay… she talks more about photography, but her definition of "civil contract of photography" is very interesting.
15:01:04 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Reagiu a “there is an author…” com ❤️
15:01:22 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Replying to “Pollyan, thinking ab…”
She is in my list of readings but I still haven't read it! =)
15:01:25 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “there is an author t…” with ❤️
15:01:28 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
Respondendo a “Pollyan, thinking …”
i am working a lot with her texts to construct the thesis
15:01:37 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Replying to “Pollyan, thinking ab…”
Go go go
15:01:41 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Replying to “Pollyan, thinking ab…”
15:01:42 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:
thank you all for your insights =)
15:01:55 From Andrea Ronqui to Everyone:
Thanks Nina!
15:02:04 From Natália Gomes to Everyone:
Nina, thank you and congrats!
15:02:06 From Pollyana Quintella to Everyone:
Reacted to “i am working a lot w…” with ❤️
15:02:07 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Great presentation, Nina! Great presentations everyone! It was a great day!
15:02:07 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Thanks everybody, it has been really great so far!
15:02:37 From Maria Berbara to Everyone:
Bom feriado!
15:02:48 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
or just chocolate-eating hahaha
15:02:50 From Matheus Corassa to Everyone:
Happy Easter to you all, guys!
15:02:51 From Ana Magalhães to Everyone:
Happy holidays!
15:02:57 From Nina Paschoal to Everyone:!AuBypb2KbCMFgeUQ0Ww_4BC0Jp0NdQ?e=s4da2j
the album
15:03:27 From Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat to Everyone:
Reacted to “!…” with ❤️
15:03:46 From Maíra de Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “!…” with ❤️