Arte e Poder
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Day 1 - Monday May 29th - Rome

CET/Rome time
8h30 – 9h
Art and Power School – Openning and Greetings

Prof. Dr. Jens Baumgarten (Federal University of São Paulo), Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen (Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History)
9h – 9h20
Bibliotheca Hertziana short tour

Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen (BH-MPI)
9h30 – 11h
Art and Power School – Panel 1

Italy and Brasília, the “New City, Synthesis of the Arts”: the Italian art critics at the Extraordinary International Congress of Art Critics of 1959 – Marina Barzon Silva (University of São Paulo)
Suburban landscapes of São Paulo: identity and power – Andrea Augusto Ronqui (University of São Paulo)
11h – 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 – 13h
Art and Power School – Panel 2

Criticism, power and the public sphere: new arrangements in the light of the present – Pollyana Campos Quintella (State University of Rio de Janeiro)
References and resonances of the educational project of the 24th Bienal de São Paulo in the international context – decolonial art/education in dialogue – André da Silva Torres (Federal University of São Paulo)
13h – 14h

Palazzo della Farnesina – Prof. Dr. Davide Lacagnina
Piazzale della Farnesina, 00135 Roma

Visit along with students from the Specializzazione Programmes in Siena and in Milan

Day 2 - Tuesday May 30th - Rome

CET/Rome time
9h – 11h
Art and Power School – Panel 3

For the Sake of God, Gold, and Science: Photographic Appropriation in Rosana Paulino’s ¿História Natural? – Maíra Vieira de Paula (University of São Paulo)
Waters of Kalunga: sea and memory in Aline Motta’s, Rosana Paulino’s and Grada Kilomba’s artworks – Maria Eduarda Kersting Faria (State University of Rio de Janeiro)
11h – 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 – 13h
Art and Power School – Panel 4

Edinizio Ribeiro Primo’s Black Tropicália – Glaucio de Souza Santos (Federal University of São Paulo)
PV Dias’ Digital Amazon – Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula (University of São Paulo)
13h – 13h30
13h30 – 14h30
Visit 1

Bibliotheca Hertziana: Frescoes Zuccari and archeological part – Philine Helas
15h – 17h
Visit 2

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Viale delle Belle Arti, 131, 00197 Roma
Presentations: Glaucio de Souza Santos, Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula, Pollyana Campos Quintella
17h30 – 19h
Visit 3

Stazzione EUR Fermi
Presentations: Maria Eduarda Kersting Faria, Marina Barzon Silva

Day 3 - Wednesday May 31st - Rome

CET/Rome time
9h – 11h
Art and Power School – Panel 5

Mário Navarro da Costa and Rodolfo Pinto do Couto between Portugal and Brazil: articulations for the promotion of Brazilian art in Portugal – Natália Cristina de Aquino Gomes (Federal University of São Paulo)
Egyptian musicians at the D. Thereza Christina Maria collection – Nina Ingrid Caputo Paschoal (Federal University of São Paulo)
11h – 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 – 13h
Art and Power School – Panel 6

Images, Institutions and Cross-Cultural Systems: Describing and Visualizing “The Double Hemisphere Star Atlas” (1634) – Jefferson de Albuquerque Mendes (State University of Rio de Janeiro)
The participation of Mesoamerican urbanism in the modern Western city from the Plaza Mayor of Mexico City – Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat (University of São Paulo)
13h – 14h
15h – 18h

Basilica e Piazza San Pietro
Piazza San Pietro, Città del Vaticano
Presentations: Matheus Corassa da Silva, Nina Ingrid Caputo Paschoal

Day 4 - Thursday June 1st - Rome

CET/Rome time
9h – 11h
Art and Power School – Panel 7

Art, Body, and Power: The Construction of Body Politics of Louis XIV (1648-1715) and Urban VIII (1568-1644) – Matheus Corassa da Silva (Federal University of São Paulo)
Analysis of figures representing women in work scenes: How can decolonial theory be useful in the study of Roman antiquity? – Jaqueline Souza Veloso (Federal University of Minas Gerais | State University of Rio de Janeiro)
11h – 11h15
Coffee break
11h15 – 13h
Art and Power School – Panel 8

Debate and final discussion
13h – 14h
14h – 15h30
Art and Power School – Closing Lecture

Projections and Reflections: Exhibiting Italian Art in the United States, from Futurism to Arte Povera – Prof. Dr. Raffaele Bedarida (The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art)
16h – 18h30

Fori Imperiali | Colosseum | Arco di Costantino
Via dei Fori Imperiali
Presentations: Jaqueline Souza Veloso, Jefferson de Albuquerque Mendes

Day 5 - Friday June 2nd (public holiday) - Rome

CET/Rome time
9h15 – 12h
Musei Vaticani
Città del Vaticano
Presentation: André da Silva Torres

Day 6 - Saturday June 3rd - Rome | Naples

CET/Rome time
7h50 – 19h55
Naples tour

Art and Power in Naples – Fernanda Marinho
7h50 – Stazione Roma Termini to Napoli Centrale (train ride) – 8h-9h13
10h – Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli
11h30 – Stazione Toledo – Mosaico William Kentridge
11h40 – Quartieri Spagnoli
12h25 – Piazza del Plebiscito
12h30 – Palazzo Reale
13h45 – Lunch
15h10 – Chiesa e Chiostro di Santa Chiara
16h – Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo
16h35 – Via San Gregorio Armeno – Presepi
16h50 – Duomo
18h30 – Stazione Napoli Centrale to Roma Termini (train ride) – 18h40-19h55

Day 7 - Sunday June 4th - Florence

CET/Rome time
9h50 – 11h27
Travel to Florence
From Termini Station (Rome) to Santa Maria Novella Station (Florence)
Shortly after arrival in Florence

Galleria degli Uffizi
Piazzale degli Uffizi, 6
Presentations: Andrea Augusto Ronqui, Maíra Vieira de Paula, Natália Cristina de Aquino Gomes

Day 8 - Monday June 5th - Florence

CET/Rome time
Time to be confirmed

Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz |Max-Planck-Institut
Via Giuseppe Giusti 44

Day 9 - Tuesday June 6th - Milan

CET/Rome time
12h10 – 14h12
Travel to Milan
From Santa Maria Novella Station (Florence) to Porta Garibaldi Station (Milan)
After arrival in Milan and check-in at the hotel
Visit 1 (16h30)
Piazza San Sepolcro
Visit 2 (17h)
Duomo di Milano
Piazza del Duomo
Presentations: Ana Paula dos Santos Salvat

Day 10 - Wednesday June 7th - Milan

CET/Rome time
9h30 – 14h

Architettura degli anni ’20 – Prof. Dr. Paolo Rusconi (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale – Unimi)
9h30Università Dipartimento di beni culturali e ambientali in via Noto, 6
9h40Università Bocconi – via Sarfatti / parco Ravizza
10h15Quartiere Fabio Filzi – viale Argonne
10h50Casa Lavezzari – piazza Morbegno
11hCasa Ghiringhelli – piazza Lagosta / Casa Toninello – via Perasto / Casa Rustici-Comolli – via Pepe
11h40Case Muzio – piazza della Repubblica / Casa Feltrinelli – piazza della Repubblica / Montecatini – via Turati
12h05Casa De Angeli Frua – via Annunciata
12h40Casa Rustici – corso Sempione / Gruppo rionale fascista (sede RAI) – corso Sempione
13hQuartiere QT 8
13h30Palazzo dell’Arte – Triennale di Milano

Day 11 - Thursday June 8th - Milan

CET/Rome time
Travel back to Brazil