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Nina Ingrid Caputo Paschoal

Nina Ingrid Caputo Paschoal

Nina Ingrid Caputo Paschoal is a doctoral student in Art History (UNIFESP). She holds a master’s degree in History by PUC-SP (2019), a licentiate and bachelor’s degree in History by the same institution (2015), and a technical degree in Museology by ETEC Pq. da Juventude (2012). Since 2013 works as an educator in museological and cultural institutions as well as in artistic, historical and patrimonial exhibitions. She is part of the following CNPq research groups: Oriental and Afroasiatic Studies Laboratory (LEOA – Unifesp); History of Art, Architecture and Heritage in Brazil and the Americas (HARPA – Unifesp); and extension action Radio web Historiente-se (Cátedra Edward Said – Unifesp). She is also founder and researcher of Hunna Coletivo: Historiadoras que Dançam, a group created for the scientific dissemination of Oriental Dance History.
