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Natália Cristina de Aquino Gomes

Natália Cristina de Aquino Gomes

Natália Cristina de Aquino Gomes holds a degree in Art History (2012-2016) and a Master’s in Art History from UNIFESP (2017-2019). She is currently a PhD student in Art History at the same university, under the guidance of Profa. Dra. Elaine Dias with funding from FAPESP (process n° 2021/05450-0) and investigates issues related to artistic relations between Portugal and Brazil in the first decades of the 20th century. She received a FAPESP Scientific Initiation and Master’s scholarship and carried out a research period abroad linked to her master’s degree at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa – UAL (BEPE-FAPESP, Sep./Oct. – 2018) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Miguel Filipe Ferreira Figueira de Faria. Also by UAL and under the same supervision, a semester of Research Internship Abroad is planned for the development of the doctorate (BEPE-FAPESP, process n° 22/13877-7 – Sep. 2023/Feb. 2024).
