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André da Silva Torres

André da Silva Torres

Doctoral student in Art History at the Graduate Program in Art History at the Federal University of São Paulo PPGHA-UNIFESP (entry in 2021), under the guidance of Prof. Jens Michael Baumgarten. Master in Art History from PPGHA-UNIFESP (2020). He holds a degree in Art History from the Federal University of São Paulo UNIFESP – EFLCH (2017). Graduated in Modern Languages from the University of Guarulhos (2008). He participated in the last phase of the project “Global Baroque: transcultural and transhistorical approaches to Latin America”, linked to the Connecting Art Histories program financed by the Getty Foundation in Los Angeles, which included a research trip between the 20th and 30th of April 2016 to the city of Buenos Aires (in Argentina) and the cities of Sucre and Potosí (in Bolivia). He is currently a teacher at the Municipality of São Paulo.
