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Ana Magalhães

Ana Magalhães

Professor for Art History, Curator and Museum Director, MAC-USP


Art historian, curator, professor, and now director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo(MAC USP). She is an expert in 20th-century art, researching modernities in the visual arts in a transnational approach. Her research on MAC USP’s international collection of modern art is focused mainly on its modern Italian artworks and their meaning for the Brazilian artistic milieu in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. Part of it was presented at the exhibitions Classicismo, Realismo, Vanguarda: Pintura Italiana do entreguerras [Classicism, Realism, Avant-Garde: Italian Painting between the Wars] at MAC USP in 2013; and Italiani sull’Oceano. Storie di artisti nel Brasile moderno ed indigeno alla metà del ‘900 [Italians across the Ocean. Stories of artists in Modern and Indigenous Brazil in the mid-20th Century at the Museo delle Culture, in Milan, 2016 (co-curated with Paolo Rusconi). In 2018, she curated the exhibition Boccioni: Continuidade no espaço [Boccioni: Continuity in Space] at MAC USP (co-curated with Rosalind McKever), where new evidence on the material history of Boccioni’s masterpiece was first presented and is now published in “Boccioni in Brazil” (Edusp/MAC USP, 2022). She coordinated the Research Group Museum Archives and Research (2010-2017), through which she organized biennial symposia and publications, as well as the international symposium and publication “Possible Futures: Art, Museums and Digital Archive”, in collaboration with Giselle Beiguelman (2012-2014). She is now the researcher in charge of the São Paulo Research Agency (FAPESP) Thematic Project To Collect, To Identify, To Process, To Publish. Curatorial Cycle and Knowledge Production, and coordinates the Research Group HISTARTHE – History(ies) of Art: Historiography and Epistemology. She has been a Visiting Professor in universities in Italy, France, Austria, and Germany, as well as Guest Scholar at the Getty Research Institute, in Los Angeles (2016), and a Curatorial Researcher at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Instituto Max Planck in Rome (2019). Among her publications, see: Claude Monet. A canoa e a ponte (2000); the editorial coordination of the exhibition catalogue Degas: O universo de um artista (2006); the exhibition catalogue Classicismo, realismo, vanguarda: pintura italiana no entreguerras (2013); the book Discours aux Tupiniquins (2015); Classicismo moderno. Margherita Sarfatti e a pintura italiana no MAC USP (2016); and the exhibition catalogues Um outro acervo do MAC USP. Prêmios-aquisição da Bienal de São Paulo, 1951-1963 and Atelier 17. Modern Printmaking in the Americas (2019).